Financial Services Regulatory Commission - St. Kitts Branch
P.O. Box 898, South Independence Square Street, Basseterre, St. Kitts W.I.

St. Kitts Nevis Coat-of-Arms
St. Kitts Nevis Coat-of-Arms

Every company must hold an annual general meeting but if all the members of a private company agree in writing that an annual general meeting should be dispensed with, then so long as that agreement has effect, that company is dispensed from holding an annual general meeting.

In the case of an equality of votes the chairman of a meeting (whether it is a meeting of the members of the company or of its directors) has a second or casting vote in addition to any vote which he may have.

Where a company has only one member or, if all the shares of a particular class of shares are held by only one member, that member present in person or by proxy constitutes a meeting. If a private company has only one director, that director present in person constitutes a meeting.

Law Library

Law Library

Regulated Entities

Regulated Entities

Service Providers

Service Providers



Contact Information

The Regulator / Director
Financial Services Regulatory Commission (St. Kitts Branch)
P.O. Box 898, South Independence Square Street, Basseterre, St. Kitts

Tel: 1-869-466-5048
Fax: 1-869-466-5317

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